26 October 2006

Trimble and the peace process....

That discussion on Doughty Street TV the other night on Trimble and the peace process is now online.


Anonymous said...

Really great show, well worth watching.

Mick, you scored A+++ for 57 of the 60 minutes :)

Have a look at moments from the 31st, 37th and 43rd minutes to see where you could have done better in my opinion....

A great performance nonetheless.

Mick said...

You're obviously not going to embarrass me with the detail: I'll have a look. Lot's of flailing of arms I noticed afterwards. But it was enjoyable to get a fair bite of the apple.

The guys at DS have strong rightist convictions, which I don't necessarily share but I'm sold on their committment to discursive politics.

It would be good to see something (not necessarily an internet TV station) as unremitting liberal emerge from the left.

Anonymous said...

It seems like the host of a bit of an auld unionist in fairness. I thought the entire presentation was a bit skewed from a brit-loving POV.

Still Trimble had some interesting things to say. You cannot doubt that he is an intelligent man, and can see a bigger picture than either Paisley or Bob McCartney

Anonymous said...

Is it just me but a discussion which states it has a Tory MP, Mick Fealty, and has invited the SDLP and the DUP....er has there been anyone who wasnt invited...Now let me see.It appears that those rightist convictions extend to a form of censorship

papillion said...

USA has the left leaning www.democracy.org , but even that is a one-to-one interview format.
perhaps its a lack of money that there isn't a left equivalent.

Also most of my leftie friends have gone far off the political spectrum with conspiracy thories on 9/11, and/or ambivalence towards the use of terror that I can't see them getting organised effectively.

One good thing to come from the USA was a book and tour, (can't recall who sorry,) from the Left trying to reclaim the moral high ground from the right, by focusing on the environment and loacl issues.
see the USA still has abortion as a single moral issue favouring republicans, and its hard for the left to gain ground here.

Anonymous said...

A few flustered moments from Mick there, but I suspect that was awareness of the underlying reality interjecting and saying "These folks just don't get it. It's "Saint David, Lord of The Good" with them and all civil rights opposition to British batons raining down on Catholic heads was merely the nefarious invention of those disgusting men, Gerry and Martin, whom no gentleman would ever shake the hand of."

Excellent attempt to elucidate the ignorant with background facts and sane analysis, Mick... and the only redeeming feature of the program.

Anonymous said...

My first reaction, first the totally ignorance of the Tory spokesperson on NI, who it seems has absolutely no knowledge of the IRAs border campaign circa 1956-62. How can this upper class twerp hope to understand the current situation when he is oblivious to all that led up to it.

As Levatas has already pointed out the absents of SF was bad enough, but this bunch of reactionaries claimed they were something new. What we got here was more of the same mainstream crap, i e is not Trimble wonderful. Do not these guys wonder why he was given the boot by the Protestant people in the north/NI.

Once again the missing ingredient was the people of the north/NI. Dreadful, Mick, what are you doing amongst this reactionary group of bigots who appear willfully ignorant of politics beyond the confines of Westminster. Now who and what does that remind you of, yep you got it the mainstream media they claimed to wish to replace.

Mick said...

Guys, there was no attempt to be representative of all views. I'm glad so many took the time to watch it.

Anonymous said...


Really informative contributions from you. The point about Northern and Southern Europe was fascinating - NI is real Max Weber country.
Another trend is deindustrialization - the end of the British working class as a unified political and economic force - which affected Belfast like the North of England etc. Its arguable that protestant NI is now obliged to catch up with the fleixibilized, neo-liberal south which jumped from peasant to post-fordist in a generation.